Complex fertility testing includes many different tests to assess a man's current fertility status as well as fertility potential.

If you’ve been trying to conceive for some time without success, it’s worth taking a fertility assessment tests to find out what the reasons might be.

Professor Suks Minhas offers his patients complex fertility testing to understand the root cause of the problem.

Complex fertility testing - Professor Suks Minhas

Is complex fertility testing for me?

Our highly experienced and dedicated team offer bespoke investigations and treatment for the fulfilment of your dream to have a baby.

Our complex fertility testing service is geared to help patients with demanding professional and personal commitments, whether single or in a relationship.


It is estimated that one in six couples in the UK experience difficulties when trying to conceive. Suks Minhas and his team can help you to find peace of mind when trying for a baby and indeed, even if you are considering delaying having a baby because of your career or personal circumstances. Our complex fertility testing service will give you a rapid answer to your fertility potential and status.

Single men

You may be concerned about your level of fertility for various reasons. We can provide you with rapid answers in the strictest of confidentiality.


A semen analysis is one of the tests used to assess male fertility. It tests for the number of motile sperm in the ejaculate and is often used as the first step in understanding a man’s fertility potential.


A DNA fragmentation test is another test used to investigate male fertility. This test looks at the quality of the DNA of the sperm. Higher levels of fragmentation have been shown to be linked to male fertility problems. This test along side a semen analysis and some blood tests will give a strong understanding of male fertility.


  • Genetic blood test
  • Hormone blood test
  • Semen culture: to assess for infection


Get in Touch

Use the secure form to send a message regarding any concerns you may have. Should you have any information regarding a referral from a GP please also include this and we will be in touch with next steps.

18 Devonshire Street, London W1G 7AF

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