A penile prosthesis is a device placed inside the penis enabling it to become erect. Penile prosthesis surgery may be used to treat erectile dysfunction when other treatments have failed. There are two main types of penile implants. The first type is inflatable implants and it consists of a reservoir and cylinders combined with a pump. The second type of penile implants are the malleable implants. A malleable device does not need to be pumped up and is a rod rather than a cylinder.



Erectile dysfunction can be treated through medication. However, in some cases tablets or injections fail and the only remaining option is a penile prosthesis or penile implant. A penile implant can also treat Peyronie’s Disease, as this can also cause erection problems. Males interested in a penile implant will need to consult with their doctors over whether or not they are a good candidate for an implant. Patients should remember penile implants do not improve sexual desire or penis size.


The procedure is done under a general anaesthetic or spinal anaesthetic. To insert an inflatable penile implant, doctors will make a small incision in the scrotum. A fluid reservoir is then placed inside. Men who have had surgeries previously can have the reservoir inserted via an incision in the abdomen. Malleable devices can be inserted in the same way; however, a fluid reservoir or pump does not have to be added.


Patients may be prescribed medication for pain following the procedure. In some cases, patients will be able to cope with pain using over the counter medication. Post-surgery pain can persist for a week or more.

Men may not be able to resume physical activity for four to six weeks. Patients should consult with their doctors about the healing process and possible medications for pain.

The scrotum can be bruised and sore for weeks following the operation. Although the chance of developing an infection is low, patients will need to watch out for infection.


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